How Thick Should an Asphalt Driveway Be?

In most cases, the asphalt used to pave your driveway is a combination of stone, dust, and chemical binders. A paving company must keep asphalt driveway thickness to a bare minimum to get the optimal combination of these components.


The thickness and structure of asphalt pavement will be determined by the anticipated usage of the pavement when it has been built. Asphalt pavement is a little more complicated than that. It entails the construction of a whole building with just a few critical decision-making points in terms of drainage and subgrade materials.


You may improve the longevity of your asphalt driveway by paying attention to the thickness of the asphalt. The property value of the residence will rise because of this.


Residential Driveways

Asphalt driveways should be at least 2 inches thick and usually 3 inches (compacted). Asphalt with 3 is suitable for occasional large trucks and heavy equipment.


You should have 6-8 inches of granular aggregate under the asphalt. You will find soil underneath this fine base aggregate, and it will drain well if the soil is sandy, gravelly, or rocky. However, soil that is clayey or loamy may need to be removed and replaced.


Commercial Driveways

Asphalt should be 3 inches thick for commercial driveways and lots. For a total length of three, the finish course of a parking area should be 1.5 inches thick. Commercial driveways should have 8 inches of granular aggregate, and lots should have 6 inches.


A compacted layer of hot mix asphalt about 4 inches thick is recommended for full-depth light-duty commercial driveways. A hot mix asphalt layer 3 inches thick on a 6-inch aggregate base is also recommended.


A layer of hot mix asphalt about 7.5 inches thick is recommended for full-depth heavy-duty commercial driveways. It is also recommended that a layer of hot mix asphalt 6 inches thick be applied to the aggregate base.


What Happens If the Asphalt Does Not Have Proper Thickness?

Properly installed asphalt spreads the load’s weight and thickness. The base layer beneath supports the load.


If your driveway or parking lot is too thin or poorly paved, this will cause the asphalt to compress underneath the tire. Your asphalt will begin to deteriorate quickly. It will pull away from the weight, compress the material underneath the tire when the weight is not distributed evenly, and stress the material directly under the tire, resulting in fatigue cracks.


Eventually, these tiny cracks will grow upwards and outwards, becoming rapidly larger and causing the surface’s life cycle to end. Subgrade preparations, thickness, and base application are essential to ensure a high-quality pavement that lasts a long time.


Following the standard thickness of asphalt on your driveway is not enough to have a durable and efficient driveway. You must ensure that the asphalt is installed correctly and using high-quality asphalt materials. It is only possible if you are working with a trusted paving company like A-Rock Asphalt Services. Contact us today to learn more about our asphalt driveways and other related services.

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